vocabulary for ielts
"Vocabulary for IELTS" is one of supplementary courses that ILSE provides besides 04 skill-training-courses in order to push students to achieve their highest possible score within shortest period of time.
Duration: 36 hours/level
Levels: Level 1, 2 và 3.
- Providing specific topic vocabulary in context of the most popular topics in IELTS.
- Providing knowledge and context of each topic in order to help students to remember and apply vocabulary effectively.
- Providing extra exercises in all 04 skills Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing in order to help students to practise their new vocabulary.
- 5% discount for group of 3.
- 5% discount for ILSE students.
Duration: 36 hours/level
Levels: Level 1, 2 và 3.
- Providing specific topic vocabulary in context of the most popular topics in IELTS.
- Providing knowledge and context of each topic in order to help students to remember and apply vocabulary effectively.
- Providing extra exercises in all 04 skills Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing in order to help students to practise their new vocabulary.
- 5% discount for group of 3.
- 5% discount for ILSE students.

Contact us
Room 203, N2D building,
Le Van Luong Street, Thanh Xuan District, Ha Noi
Le Van Luong Street, Thanh Xuan District, Ha Noi
+84 (0)24 3555 8161
+84 (0)904 860 081
+84 (0)904 860 081
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